Deliberate Movement by Kim Ball

Fitness Coaching Solutions for Moms over 40

Your kids are getting older and less reliant on you. And while you’re still the busiest you’ve ever been, you’re actually finding some mental space to ponder what you might want to do for you.
YOU. An individual woman with desires and dreams and curiosities, who just happens to also be an engaged and hard working mom.
I know it could be foreign, but trying new things and finding new passions is totally worth the extra effort and schedule shifting. And honestly, the possibilities for adventure are endless!
But if you want to seek out the possibilities, your body has to be ready to take on the challenge.
Yep, you gotta spend time REGULARLY and CONSISTENTLY nourishing your body with movement, good nutrition, proper rest, and healthy mindset practices.
That’s where I come in.
I'm Coach Kim - a Fitness Coach striving to help you prep your body for all the adventures you seek in life!
Even with the busiest of schedules, I can help you keep your body capable, functional, and strong.
I can help you prioritize yourself, maintain a youthful body and mind, get curious about new opportunities, AND be prepared for all the adventures you seek out in life.
You’re a busy mom. And so am I. Let’s work together as a collaborative team to keep some of your life’s focus where it belongs. On YOU and your dreams!
Grab Your Free Workout Guide:
Durable Vitality for Moms!
Exercise doesn't have to be long winded or complicated in order to make a difference, gal.
Let me show you in my new FREE workout guide, Durable Vitality for Moms!
Sign up for 2 sample "follow-along" workout recordings
from my Morsels of Movement program.

Morsels of Movement:
Online group coaching for
busy, adventurous moms

It's important to make the time to move and challenge yourself. Because you want to be prepared for all the adventures you seek out in life!
"Mom" isn't your only title... and you have a lot of years ahead of you. Keeping your body capable, functional, and strong are priorities for a busy mom who still wants time for adventure.
With short, comprehensive, LIVE Zoom workouts + the personal guidance of an experienced coach... this program can keep you functional and ready for your adventuresome life.
Personal Training Services

I don't just work with busy moms over 40...
I often coach their loved ones as well!
Personal Training (either in person or online) provides a client or a small group with my undivided focus and dedication. Our experience together is collaborative. And the program we create is unique to each individual/ small group.
You detail your long-term goals and desires...
I help design a plan that is customized to your needs... We work together to find success on the journey!
Success Stories
"Kim has such a vested interest in me and my progress and I think that’s awesome! She’s my moral support and a constant motivator. She pushes me to my limits in a way I wouldn’t be able to if I were on my own."
"I was once a weak girl, but now because of Kim's coaching I feel like I am stronger and nothing
can hold me back from achieving my most out there goals."
"I could go on forever about how great I feel and look as a result of her training but that's something everyone will experience under her guidance. It's impossible not to reap these rewards with a workout of this quality and intensity."